Photo credit: Madeleine Shakotko
I’ve never been to adoration before. What do I do?
During adoration, we are in silent prayer with Jesus. There is no set program, and how you choose to spend your hour is up to you. Some people bring a Bible, spiritual reading, a rosary, a journal, or other devotion to structure their time. If you find it challenging, tell the Lord. Ask for his assistance. Perhaps you invite your guardian angel or a favorite saint to help you.
Why forty hours?
Traditionally, forty hours is the time from Jesus’ burial until his resurrection.
Can I sign up for more than one hour?
Can I just “drop in”?
You are welcome to drop in without signing up during daytime hours on Friday or Saturday. For overnight hours, please sign up in advance.
What happens if I signed up but I have to cancel/switch times?
Please contact Madeleine Shakotko ([email protected]).
I signed up for an overnight hour. What do I need to know?
The doors will be locked after 6:30pm. As you are arriving at St. Patrick’s, call or text Madeleine to be let in via the side (accessible) door near the ramp. For safety reasons late at night, please consider taking Uber/taxi and bringing a friend. There will be coffee, snacks, and breakfast throughout the night for volunteers! Once signed up, you'll receive a call from Madeleine with her contact info and to answer any questions you may have prior to the weekend.
Other questions?
Email Madeleine ([email protected]).